Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of the Center for Scientific Research and Policy of the country Professor of Philosophy, Islamic College of London

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


There is a significant conceptual difference between science and technology. Epistemologically, the so-called 'applied science' is a redundant concept; it can be included under the category of technology. In this paper we discuss, from a philosophical point of view, some of the reasons for the conflation of science and technology. We shall further argue that such a conflation is not only an epistemological mistake, it also has many undesirable conceptual and practical consequences which impact on epistemological investigations as well as policy making in the fields of science and technology.

There is a significant conceptual difference between science and technology. Epistemologically, the so-called 'applied science' is a redundant concept; it can be included under the category of technology. In this paper we discuss, from a philosophical point of view, some of the reasons for the conflation of science and technology. We shall further argue that such a conflation is not only an epistemological mistake, it also has many undesirable conceptual and practical consequences which impact on epistemological investigations as well as policy making in the fields of science and technology


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