Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Philosophy of Physics, Baqir al-Uloom University, (corresponding author)

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran

3 Professor of Physics, Qom University.


In contemporary discussions, the philosophy of time, in a general division, in the dynamic theory of time future events don’t exist and in the static view they exist.But not all of them conform to some of the findings of modern physics.The present article has reached a different point of view with the aim of explaining the compatibility of these evidences with a correct philosophical attitude . By considering the gradation of the reality of the temporal events series, future events are neither absolutely actual existence nor absolutely in potential existence but in a gradational category.That is, neither a fully actual existence nor a completely potential existence; Rather, they have a weak actuality, so that weak effects of them are realized at the present time . In modern physics, evidence of time asymmetry negates the static theory of time, and evidence of the nonlocalizability quantum essences in time — such as the delayed choice experiment — negates the static attitude. But such evidence can strengthen the autonomous view; For while the passage of time is real, the weak effects of future temporal phenomena give rise to their own specific causal properties from the present. This attitude can be a correct interpretation of the of quantum nonlocality in time.


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