Document Type : Research Paper




Theoretical frameworks in Islamic era have an important role in Middle Ages historiographical approaches toward analytical notions such as ‘experience’, ‘Observation’ and ‘theory’. Some historiographers believe that scientific theory in Middle Ages root in Aristotle philosophy of nature or Islamic texts. Other ones say the most of experiments mentioned in Middle Age’s science are the copy that narrated from Aristotle or Muslims that didn’t observed by writer directly. Grants Idea of Empiricism without Observation is an important and influential one that claims observation we confronted in middle ages texts means nothing than Scientific imagination. He generalized the idea to all discipline of knowledge arise in middle age and presented some cases in confirming his presentism claim. Among this, the alchemy is a notable field that challenges these approaches. In this letter, showed that a controversial case has multiple natures in Islamic alchemy names talismatic experimentalism, face differently with grants idea and challenge it.


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