Document Type : Research Paper


1 master of Philosophy of Science, Sharif University

2 Assistant Professor of Shahid Beheshti University


In this essay, at first, we will discuss Heidegger's notions on the main crisis of Western academy raised after the First World War. Heidegger thinks that this crisis is the effect of "theoretical approach" dominated by natural sciences which transmitted to other disciplines. Secondly, the Heidegger's analysis on the basis of the theoretical approach is examined and we argue how a theory is primarily derived from 'live situations' in the way of de-vivification and formalization processes. These subjects can be studied by emphasis on the Freiburg 1919 lecture-courses. Young Heidegger believes that science is a life practice that based on an existential encounter with the world. In this context, every scientific practice must be viewed and interpreted in its life-context. The theoretical encounter originated in a pre-theoretical encounter. Drawing on a schematic figure, it will be examined clearer, by which to a certain degree we can show the process of construction of the theoretical something from a situational something.


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