Document Type : Research Paper


Philosophy of Science Department, Sharif University of Technology


In this paper, giving some examples of modern sciences, I will show that some theories have been influenced by naturalistic presuppositions and one can then explain the empirical data these theories seek to explain through a religious approach. Resorting to these examples, the advocates of religious science want to show that just as presuppositions of science may be affected by naturalism so they may be influenced by religion, and therefore religious science is possible. In the final part of this paper, answering following questions regarding religious science, it is attempted to clarify some complexities of the debate: Does the idea of religious science endorse relativism indirectly? Religious science is justified by appealing to experience, or religion, or both? If appealing to religion is involved in the justification of religious science, does religious actions not involve in scientific activity? Does the possibility of religious science mean the lack of a distinctive border between science and religion? Evolution is a characteristic feature of scientific theories, and religious science is not an exception. Does the evolution of religious science not undermine religion? Does the argument for the possibility of religious science imply the possibility of religious science, in addition to the logical possibility of religious science? What perspective the proponents of religious science should define for their ideal?


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