Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student in Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Ph.D. Student in Higher Education Development Program, Shahid Beheshti University


In line with his cultural concerns and protecting various social traditions, Feyerabend denounces the rationality of modern science, emphasizes the principle of ‘anything goes’ and prioritizes individual freedom over the truth. Denying the absolute truth, Feyerabend tries to make room for cultural pluralism and to remove science from the state of being the only reference for determining the authenticity of phenomena. In this paper, it is tried to show that Feyerabend in fact, after criticizing scientific rationality, raises a new rationality which its aim is freedom and has its own method and tradition. Besides some conflicts and ambiguities in his approach, he does not provide a reason for the preference of his rationality over other existing rationalities. We conclude that Feyerabend not only is not an epistemological anarchist, but has its own particular rationality.


فایرابند، پل، بر ضد روش، ترجمه مهدی قوام صفری، فکر روز، 1375
. چالمرز، آلن. ف، چیستی علم، ترجمه سعید زیبا کلام، تهران، شرکت انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی، 1374
فایرابند، پل، چگونه باید از جامعه در برابر علم دفاع کرد، ترجمه شاپور اعتماد، نشریه ارغنون،
. شماره 1373 ،1
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1393 ،158- صص 141
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