Document Type : Research Paper


University of Tehran (Farabi Campus)



Derrida wrote an extensive and detailed introduction to Husserl's treatise "The Origin of Geometry" and while interpreting this treatise, he briefly explained all the key concepts of his thought in it. This important introduction has been overlooked by some of Derrida's commentators and they have made accusations against his reading of Husserl. This article has tried to find its way to Derrida's philosophy by emphasizing the concept of "relation" (which is one of the most key concepts of Husserl's philosophy in particular and phenomenology in general) with the analytical-descriptive method. Together with Husserl, in the question of the "origin of geometry" and through the distinction between "empirical thing" and "transcendental thing" as well as "necessary conflict and tension between structure and genesis" and "experimental reality" and "geometrical entities" as " The "ideal" has tried to think about the "relation" or the "interval" that is never filled and never resolved, and what is important is to understand this difficult, highly contradictory and tense situation that Derrida in another expression of It is mentioned under the title "Strange Presence".
