Document Type : Research Paper


Member of PhASIF project depended on ecole normale superior & Center National de la Recherche Scientifique(ENS-CNRS)، France


The history of atomism has begun from Ancient Greek. Greek atomism was materialist, causal, and Mechanical. Atomism whether the ancient atomism or modern version (after the seventeenth century), is regarded as a materialist theory. In medieval time, in the Islamic world, an atomistic theory was offered to explain nature by mūtikallimūn, (Muʿtazila and Ašʿarī). Opposite of Greek atomists, Muslim atomists were theists and they were called mūtikallimūn for begin devoted to Islam and Quran. Nonetheless, they have developed a theory that is similar in some aspects to the other atomistic theories; however, they were radical about God’s omnipotence. In this paper, I investigate the metaphysical structure of Kalām atomism in the respect that they are based on which belief, after a brief introduction. And then I analyze that those theist theorists developed a scientific account in physics, which protected their religious beliefs. I examine how the theory results in materialism and the exclusion of metaphysics, but not entailing atheism.


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