Document Type : Research Paper


1 student of Philosophy of Science and technology, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology


Martin Heidegger's idea is a whole interconnected and the universality of it can be considered as a "philosophy of technology". The central concept of Heidegger's philosophy is Being, concealment and its concealment.
His course of thought begins with a critique of metaphysics from Plato to Nietzsche and it goes on to try to develop another kind of philosophy.Then, by way of metaphysics, it reaches Gestell.
The " Gestell" absolute a horizon of the concealment of Being as the essence of modern technology, with its semantic synonymy in the sense of perfection and the end of metaphysics.
The present study will reconstruct Heidegger's thought about the concept of "Gestell" and will show how his totality of thought can be regarded as a philosophy of integrated technology.
As any regional interpretation of his views on technology will require consideration of the whole of his thinking.


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