Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student in Philosophy of Science

2 Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science, Iranian Institute of Philosophy


Most of the literature about philosophy of science in the last decade is devoted to the scientific representation. In this paper, both non-cognitive and cognitive as the main two approaches to the scientific presenting will be reviewed. In the first part, the scientific representation of the elements involved in it, regardless of the two approaches, are introduced. The second part deals with the representation of the non-cognitive theories, theories that "resemble" the basis of representation are defined. This section is divided into three patterns: the continuation of the concept of similarity (identity component, uniformity, and uniformity in part), which is defined based on the representation process. The third section is devoted to criticism of the cognitive approach. According to these critics, the similarity is neither necessary nor sufficient condition of its representation. Definition of the relationship between cognitive representations is provided at the end of this section. Finally, the fourth section we will Gyyry Hybrid Theory, which attempts to accommodate both the similarities and cognitive aspects. We will argue that his definition of representation is circular.
