Document Type : Research Paper


PhD student of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, Shahid Motahhari Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Galileo, at least in a part of his works, claimed the dispense with experience recourse in natural studies; Likewise, Avicenna when discussed about God’s knowledge of individuals, exemplifies his knowledge to astornomer’s knowledge of predictable phenomenon of lunar eclipse, whose knowledge wouldn’t be effected by experimental data and it’s not mere a passive one. We’ll try to see if there’s any connection between their same claims of attaining scientifical knowledge without recourse to experiment, and their probable common presuppositions or methods. Finally we concluded that they partly shared in methodological background, though we can’t prove their completely sameness in the method. In the case we mentioned, Avicenna studied the mathematical structure of celestial bodies and neglected their nature. by this step, he abandoned Aristotle's paradigm and move toward Galileo's scientific method, but we can't ascribe the same method to them, because Avicenna had a dualistic method in his physical studies, but Galileo had a unified method


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