Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Azad University of Science and Research Branch

2 Deputy of Education, Faculty of Biology, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor of Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Science and Research


Extended Evolutionary Synthesis is a theory that suggests that the conceptual framework for evolutionary synthesis needs to be reviewed to provide an extending of the new findings in evolutionary biology and to increase the explanatory power for existing findings. This review is about extending in the conceptual frameworks of evolutionary synthesis, and Gene-based evolutionary framework should be extended to the developmental framework. But the evolutionary proponents of the 1930s and 40s do not consider this theory to be any review, and they refuse to ask for any extension in its conceptual framework. Both current and extended compilation theories use metaphors to express themselves, such as the metaphors the music of life and selfish genes, which represent two broad conceptual frameworks and represent the current integration. On the other hand, the embodied reading of metaphor relates the use of metaphors in scientific theories to the domain of the scientist's thought and the conceptual framework governing his mind. On this basis, one can argue in favor of extending in evolutionary synthesis


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