Document Type : Research Paper


Member of PhASIF Project, Depended on Ecole Normale Superior &centere National de la Researche scientifique(ENS-CNRS)، france


Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī is a thinker of the 12th century who had a significant role in the dialog between two philosophical doctrines of his age, i.e. Peripateticism and kalām. He followed peripatetic methods to develop kalām theories. Razī’s theory of motion is in the frame of kalām Atomism. In this paper, I will show how the atomistic theory of motion is in interaction with Aristotelian fundamentals in Physics. I will show that Razi asserts discontinuity of motion, by relying on Aristotelian Continuity principles and rejecting to some premises. Then, I discuss the significance of this theory from the history of science’s view.


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