Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. tehran.iran


Motion is one of the main features of natural philosophy, which together with the formation of Newtonian-Galilean physics, is the most important subject of kinematics and dynamics in the new physics. One of the scientists who played an important role in shaping Galileo's views was Ibn Bajjah (Avempace) (1098-1138). He was a natural philosopher of the 12th century AD. Ibn Bajjah' s mechanics is built upon two general Aristotelian axioms that emphasize natural motion and Algebraic (Qasri) motion. In this article, the bases of movement by Ibn Bajjah are studied based on the motive factors in the movement of the natural body, ie, "form" and "weight". This review is based on the important theory of "matter and form" and the essential principle of "nature does not work in vain " and was done for the first time


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