Document Type : Research Paper


It seems that emergence of evolutionary game theory and the spread of its popularity and utilization, indicates a change in tools of game theory which used by game theorists and economists; insomuch as some considers this theory as a progress in the classical game theory. This article, first, seeks to outline the essential differences between classical game theory and evolutionary game theory. Secondly, we raise the question that ‘whether the evolutionary game theory can be seen as a kind of progress on the classical game theory?’ This inquiry is based on a theoretical approach and focuses on some studies in the philosophy of economics, methodology of economics, history of game theory and philosophy of science. The conclusion of this paper can be elaborated in two related ideas. First, the emergence of evolutionary game theory and its continued use in economics cannot be analyzed in the framework of well-ordered approaches in the philosophy of science. Second, it seems that Feyerabend and McCloskey’s explanations on this subject gain better ‘validity’.


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