Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD., Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Azad Islamic University, Tehran Science and Research Branch

2 Philosophy Dept, Tarbiat Modarres University


The concept of temperament is one of the key concepts which has played an important role in, ancient medicine and physics on the one hand, and in the philosophical discussions in particular in the field of knowledge of the soul on the other. According to the ancients, temperament is a quality resulted from reaction between four elements and is, in terms of its characteristics, other than its components. The resulted quality is at different levels of balance and that how much the resulted quality (temperament) is at balance is an important agent for beings to attain different levels of existence. May such a concept have some place in the modern medicine as well? To reply, at first, we define temperament as well as the concept related to it such as balance of temperament, four elements, and four-fold humors as viewed by the ancients. Then, we introduce four popular contemporary understandings of temperament and, after it and based on the true understanding of temperament, we will select from among the above four ones. In this understanding, the quality of functions of autonomous nervous system may be taken as a contemporary alternative for the traditional; concept of temperament.
