Document Type : Research Paper


M.Sc. Department of Philosophy of Science, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran


Post-phenomenology can be considered as the pragmatist account of Husserl's and Heidegger's phenomenology. Thinkers of this new line of thinking attempt to apply the phenomenological methodology in the realm of science and technology studies in order to give an account of how the contemporary human being and world are profoundly imbued with science and technology. To do this, they set forth an analysis of the role of technological atrefacts in the actualization of the modern framework of theoretical thinking, namely empirical science. Post-phenomenology revolves around the dependence of the post-Galileo science on the mediation of instruments and artefacts in human perception. Post-phenomenology also argues in favour of scientific realism by reliance on the presence of technical instruments within the structure of laboratory engagement. Post-phenomenologists benefit from both early and later Heideggerian insights on the nature of relations between science and technology; and yet, they pragmatically criticize Heidegger's later philosophy of science and technology. However, one must ask why and how such an "empirical turn" is fruitful in solving both theoretical problems and practical crises, made by modern science and technology


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هایدگر، مارتین. (۱۳۸۶). «هستی‌وزمان». ترجمه‌ی سیاوش جمادی، تهران: ققنوس